Addicts at the Cross

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Addicts at the Cross takes a bold, unabashed stance in believing that what the Bible says is true. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

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A Christian 9 Step Program

Addicts at the Cross takes a bold, unabashed stance in stating that the Bible is true: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). The 9 steps will walk students to the cross where Christ sets the captives free. These steps aren’t magic, but a willing and determined pursuit of freedom through them will guide the student to a place where overcoming addiction is possible.

Society tells us poverty, lack of education, and unemployment are the underlying causes of addiction. Though strong families and education are vital supports for a stable society as they help a person discover how to act and what to do, the roots of addiction develop and grow from “who” the person is. This 9 step study is designed to dredge up the soil of the addict’s heart and uproot the underlying causes of addiction, thereby genuinely setting the addict free.


The Addicts at the Cross Steps:

  1. Admit – I admit that my life is not my own and is beyond my ability to manage or control. I have become powerless over the substance or substances that I have abused. I acknowledge my need for God to set me free from all the things in this world that have me ensnared and prevent me from being the person God created me to be.
  2. Believe – I believe that the God I need to restore my life and make me whole is to be found in the person of Jesus Christ, the Word who was with God, who is God, and who became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1, 14).
  3. Decide – I have decided to turn from the things of the past (repent) and to ask Jesus to be lord and manager of my life (surrender).
  4. Search – I have made an honest search and moral inventory of myself, and seek to eliminate that which is not in accord with God’s will for my life.
  5. Acknowledge – Before God, others, and myself, I acknowledge my inventory to be true. I now begin to use the information from my inventory, formulating a plan that will result in a life set free from addiction.
  6. Change – I am willing to change and to allow God to change me.
  7. Ask – I humbly ask God to forgive me and to change me through the power of His Holy Spirit.
  8. Restore – I have made a list of all the people my actions have or may have affected/damaged, and I ask myself, “How can I make this right?”
  9. Pursue – Daily, I seek to know and live out God’s will, plan, and purpose for my life.



This program is good; it points out the need to repent and take accountability for one’s own actions. That’s just not taught anymore.
– Pastor in Tennessee

I was an alcoholic/addict for twenty-two years, and have been set free, redeemed, and bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. Finding this group has helped me discover the root of my uncontrollable addictions, restore my life through Christ, and hold me accountable so that I do not return to my former ways.
– Benny Jasper, Men’s Group Leader

God used Addicts at the Cross in my life to unlock the Scriptures. I learned the truth about who God is and who I am. Many people in our group were moved as God’s Word came to life and brothers shared with each other.
– Yancy Helton

The greatest thing about Addicts at the Cross and the “step” program is that the Gospel is presented entirely and completely and simply in every meeting.
– Heath Tappe, Addicts at the Cross facilitator, Wausau WI


About the Author
My name is Larry Skrant. Before that I was 324-242. Before that I was 282-320. And before that I was 230-915. Those are prison numbers. To the state of Ohio, I was a three-time loser. To society, I was beyond salvaging. To all, including myself, I was beyond hope. Then I met Christ, and He gave me a new heart and a new life. I am now a member of the First Baptist Church in Spencer, Ohio, an ordained minister, the director of Changed Lives Ministries, and the founder of Addicts at the Cross. God changes the unchangeable.


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