Welcome friend. This page is for those who are interested in helping update the complete works of John Bunyan. We’ve already begun, having published an updated version of Pilgrim’s Progress, this currently being the bestselling version of Pilgrim’s Progress available. Our edition of Pilgrim’s Progress will also serve as the model and will set the tone for all editing to be done on the complete works.
Our typical method of distributing the finished books is to make the eBook available free of charge, on available eBook platforms. We cover our costs by selling the print edition. The free eBook especially helps us reach a lot of individuals with these excellent books. Your participation is a huge part in making all this possible.
Order of Projects
There is, to be sure, lot of work for all involved. John Bunyan wrote many books, 62 of which are included in the three volume “complete works” that we’re updating and republishing. We currently have a team working on The Holy War. The next project will be Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. Other projects will follow in order of importance, and will be posted as they become available for editing.
How You Can Apply
If this is a project the Lord is leading you to become involved in, please contact us via the contact us form link below. It’s important that you first read our edition of Pilgrim’s Progress, available to read free of charge here: https://goo.gl/ydWYn0. You may wish to purchase a print version, which is available on Amazon. We’ll also want an edited sample (see link below), which will help us understand your editing capabilities. The compensation for this project is minimal ($2.00 per 8.5″ x 11″ page, double spaced, 12 pt. font), making this mostly a labor of love. The individuals who help will most likely be individuals who see the value in John Bunyan’s writings, who care to make the Lord’s glory known through these books, and who want to use their gifts for something important.
Important Links
Instructions: When you click the below links, the documents will download in a zip file and should appear either on the bottom left of your browser window, or then it will open via your file explorer.
Link to editing project (link will be provided later)
Important Information
Style Manuals: We reference the Chicago Manual of Style as well as the Christian Writer’s Manual of Style. The main focus of this initial rewrite is focused on content, so for the most part you won’t need to worry about style manuals.
Schedule: Each project (individual book) will need to be completed within six months of its start.
Editorial Review: We may wish to see progress reports every few weeks, and would be available to communicate regarding the project as needed.
Bible Version: We’d like to add supporting Bible verses to the text, as you’ll see we did in Pilgrim’s Progress. Also, we’re using The Jubilee Bible, which we published. Information and links to the online Bible can be found at www.thejubileebible.com.
Editing Tone: Our version of Pilgrim’s Progress is an excellent example of what we’re looking for. The updated edition needs to be modern enough to be easily read, yet not so modern as to lose John Bunyan’s writing tone. Please refer to our version of Pilgrim’s Progress if you have any questions.
Editor Application
To express interest in helping us with this project, please contact us via our Contact Us Page.