Showing 1–12 of 174 resultsSorted by popularity
Living or Dead?
If you are alive spiritually, let your Christianity be so unmistakable, your eye so clear, your heart so whole, and your walk so straightforward that all who see you may have no doubt about whose you are and whom you serve.
How Shall I Go To God? (eBook)
He loves us not because we are rich in goodness, but because He is rich in mercy; not because we are worthy of His favor, but because He delights in lovingkindness.
Where No Roads Go (eBook)
Following God to this remote place seemed like a risk, but it became the “risk that wasn’t” because of the faithfulness of God. An inspiring devotional biography.
Prevailing Prayer (eBook)
This book is a comprehensive study on the subject of prayer, and Dwight Moody uses illustrations and stories to validate what he is saying and to help make the truths in this book stick.
Men of the Bible (eBook)
When you wish to know something about godly living, where do you look? Is there a better place to look than to the men of the Bible? The Lord, in all His wisdom, left us with a wonderful textbook – the Holy Scriptures.
The Way to God (eBook)
The Way to God takes an honest look at our need to repent and follow Jesus, and gives hope for unending, joyous eternity in heaven.
Absolute Surrender (eBook)
Oh, come at once and say, “I give myself absolutely to God, to His will, to do only what God wants.” God will enable you to carry out the surrender necessary, if you come to Him with a sincere heart.
Adoniram Judson (eBook)
Adoniram Judson – One of the most committed missionaries the world has ever known.
Living in Calm Confidence (eBook)
Calm, rest, and peace come to us when Jesus becomes the great treasure of our lives.
Flowers from a Puritan’s Garden (eBook)
Step into the rich and vibrant garden of Puritan wisdom with Charles Spurgeon, one of the most beloved preachers and authors in recent Christian history.
Words of Peace and Welcome (eBook)
A daily devotional full of encouragement and inspiration.
The Morning of Joy (eBook)
The Morning of Joy was written to encourage the reader as we navigate the trials of life and await that great day when Christ returns for His own.