Showing 25–36 of 42 results
It’s a God Thing
A bold leader decided to follow Jesus’ teachings, resulting in a powerful ministry that has his entire congregation serving the desolate, the hungry, and the sick. Learn how your church can follow Jesus today, no matter your budget or how stale your current ministry “programs,” and in spite of opposition.
Deliverance from the Power and Penalty of Sin
Awake! Awake! slumbering church, and clothe yourself with the garments of your Lord’s salvation and righteousness. He waits to be gracious to you.
Biblical Mourning
Written to comfort and help those who have lost loved ones.
Simplicity in Preaching
To attain simplicity in preaching is of the utmost importance to every minister who wishes to be useful to souls.
The Dearth of Conversions
If the church is to fully realize what is wrong with her condition, then believers and ministers must be brought low before the Lord and seek Him, to reveal and remove the sin and restore that conversion power that comes from Him alone.
The Reformed Pastor
The Reformed Pastor, the work of Richard Baxter, has been long known and cherished by ministers of various evangelical denominations as among the most inspiring, sacred, and fervent works ever written on the duties and responsibilities of the pastoral office.
Lectures to My Students Volume 3
Charles Spurgeon’s weekly lectures to his ministry students have been compiled in three volumes, now updated and presented to you afresh.
Lectures to My Students Volume 2
Charles Spurgeon’s weekly lectures to his ministry students have been compiled in three volumes, now updated and presented to you afresh.
Lectures to My Students Volume 1
Charles Spurgeon’s weekly lectures to his ministry students have been compiled in three volumes, now updated and presented to you afresh.
May this book help you lead your group to demonstrate, “We care!”
Dying to Grow
Never before have we seen the church degenerate at such a rapid pace. The church is dying because our growth isn’t based on strategies to reach the lost with the gospel. What is your church’s priority? Are you more concerned with filling your building or furthering the Kingdom? Hell will tremble when churches once again make evangelism the central theme of their strategy.
Why I Believe the Bible
There is no weapon in the arsenal of unbelief that can prevail against the “Yea” and “Amen” of the living God.