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    Missionary Methods (eBook)

    Missionary Methods takes a thorough look at the practice and principle of arguably the most successful church planter in history, the biblical apostle Paul.

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  • Surprised by Faith

    Surprised by Faith (eBook)

    This book confronts false stereotypes and examines the astonishing body of scientific and historical evidence supporting the truth that God exists and cares about people’s future. This is the Gospel with evidence.

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  • The Overcoming Life

    The Overcoming Life (eBook)

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    The solution Moody presents for our problems is not religion, rules, or other outward corrections. Instead, he takes us to the heart of the matter and prescribes biblical, God-given remedies for every Christian’s life.

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  • The Soul Winner

    The Soul Winner (eBook)

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    Overcome yourself and learn to make a difference in your church and the world around you. It’s time to become an effective soul winner for Christ.

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  • How to Raise Children for Christ

    How to Raise Children for Christ (eBook)

    If our hearts are right towards God and our children, the world’s influence will not impact our children. We can and must exercise faith, so our children and our children’s children will be able to impact the world for Christ and inherit eternal blessings.

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  • Has the Bible Been Changed

    Has the Bible Been Changed? (eBook)

    This book exhorts Muslims to repent of their hypocritical double standards and their sin of unbelief and encourages them to read and obey the unchangeable Word of God as it is recorded and preserved in the Holy Bible.

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  • Humility

    Humility (eBook)

    This little book is a loud call to all committed Christians to prove that meekness and lowliness of heart is the evidence by which those who follow the meek and lowly Lamb of God are to be known.

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  • The Ministry of Intercession

    The Ministry of Intercession (eBook)

    Let Andrew Murray show you what it means to live in Christ, and let his challenge for genuine intercessory prayer change your life – and the lives of those you are praying for.

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  • Divine Healing

    Divine Healing (eBook)

    This book provides biblical clarity concerning divine healing, and supplies basic and applicable principles necessary to having faith concerning healing. The author makes it very clear that we are not healed based on who we are, but based on who Christ is.

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  • In Search of Persons of Peace

    In Search of Persons of Peace (eBook)

    But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you. (Luke 10:5-6)

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  • The Kneeling Christian

    The Kneeling Christian (eBook)

    Prayer, real prayer, is the noblest, the sublimest and most stupendous act that any creature of God can perform. Lord, teach us how to pray.

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  • Another Valley, Another Victory

    Another Valley, Another Victory (eBook)

    Tragedy is timeless and universal. So is victory, which is defined by the author’s life as letting God have the controls – allowing him to expose previously hidden beauty, now displayed for the sake of others. This inspiring life story has moved countless others to overcome and look at adversity from God’s perspective.

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