Showing 1–12 of 16 resultsSorted by popularity
Don’t Die in Your Sins
For most people, death is either a great mystery or a subject of great denial. However, the fact remains – we all die. What if this life is not all there is? What if there actually is life after death?
BULK DISCOUNTS: Order 12+ @ $1.49 each, 156+ @ $.89 each
No mueras en tus pecados (Don’t Die in Your Sins – Spanish)
Para la mayoría, la muerte es un gran misterio o tema de gran negación. Sin embargo, hay un hecho real que sigue allí: todos moriremos. ¿Qué pasaría si esta vida no es la única? ¿Qué, si en verdad hay vida después de la muerte?
BULK DISCOUNTS: Order 12+ @ $1.49 each, 140+ @ $.89 each
A Life for God
Within each of His chosen people, God has placed a desire to know Him, to worship Him, and to live victoriously for Him.
Don’t Die in Your Sins
Evangelism Resource
For most people, death is either a great mystery or a subject of great denial. However, the fact remains – we all die. What if this life is not all there is? What if there actually is life after death? -
Things God Hates, Things God Loves (Hardcover)
Journey through this book with me and consider the Scriptures that tell us what the Lord hates and what He loves. Ask the Lord to teach you to live with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength for Him, in such a way that He will look upon you with favor.
죄 속에서 죽지 마라 (Don’t Die in Your Sins – Korean)
대부분의 사람들은 “오직 한 번 사는 삶” 이라는 말에 익숙합니다. 하지만 우리는 스스로에게 가장 중요한 질문을 던져봐야 합니다. 죽은 후에는 어떻게 될까요?
切勿死在罪中 (Don’t Die in Your Sins – Simplified Chinese)
మరణించవద్దు మీ పాపాలలో (Don’t Die in Your Sins – Telugu)
“మీరు ఒక జీవితాన్ని మాత్రమే జీవించగలరు” అనే లోకోక్తి మనకు బాగా తెలుసు. అయితే మనకు మనమే అత్యంత ముఖ్యమైన ఒక ప్రశ్నను వేసుకొనవలసి ఉన్నాం: మన మరణానంతరం మనకు ఏమి సంభవిస్తుంది?
No mueras en tus pecados (Don’t Die in Your Sins – Spanish Edition)
Evangelism Resource
Para la mayoría, la muerte es un gran misterio o tema de gran negación. Sin embargo, hay un hecho real que sigue allí: todos moriremos. ¿Qué pasaría si esta vida no es la única? ¿Qué, si en verdad hay vida después de la muerte? -
罪の中で死なないで (Don’t Die in Your Sins – Japanese)
Preorder – To be released 2-1-2025
ほとんどの人にとって、死とは偉大なる神秘か、徹底的に否定するテーマである。それでも、人は誰もがいずれは死ぬという事実は変わらない。けれど、この世の人生だけで終わりでなかったなら、死後のいのちが本当にあったなら、どうだろう。 -
Să nu mori în păcat
Preorder – To be released 1-1-2025
ntru majoritatea oamenilor, moartea este fie un mare mister, fie motivul unei negări profunde. Însă acest adevăr există – noi toți murim. Dacă există de fapt viață după moarte? -
Stirb nicht in deinen Sünden (Don’t Die in Your Sins – German)
Für die meisten Menschen ist der Tod entweder ein großes Geheimnis oder etwas, das sie nicht wahrhaben wollen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass wir alle sterben. Was aber, wenn dieses Leben nicht alles ist, was es gibt? Was, wenn es tatsächlich ein Leben nach dem Tod gibt?