Projects Needing Writers



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Are you a writer? The following is a list of books we’d love to see written. These are books that could potentially be a benefit to the Church. If you pray about this and the Holy Spirit directs you to contact us about one of these projects, we’d be delighted. You can do so via our contact page.



Project #1

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Too many Christians lack discernment between different topics addressed in scripture, including the distinction between grace, works, the kingdom of heaven, the gifts, rewards, etc. We need to look at each biblical topic as a separate topic – working together, but still separate. Grace, for example, covers all sin. We are saved by grace alone. Works, however, are what must follow grace, and works are what determine our reward. Many people mix these topics together, not understanding how both are 100% true, and therefore are caught in a conflict, understanding everything but understanding nothing.

Each of these, and more, could be one chapter:

  • Grace vs. Works
  • Heaven vs. Rewards
  • Man’s Responsibility vs. The Sovereignty of God
  • Supernatural vs. Physical


Project #2 

The Root vs. The Symptoms 

There are many books that deal with the symptom of our problems, but few that dig into the root cause of our problems. Homosexuality, for example, is defined in the Bible as being a result of own turning away from God, nothing else – all the laws and influence in the world won’t turn individuals to or away from homosexuality: because having known God, they did not glorify him as God, neither were thankful … For this cause God gave them up unto shameful affections, for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature; and likewise also the males, leaving the natural use of the females, burned in their lust one toward another, males with males committing nefarious works and receiving in themselves the recompense that proceeded from their error.

This book may analyze the sin symptoms that we often mistake for the cause, and examine the cause and provide the biblical solution for each. This book could simply be a look at different scriptural passages that define the root cause of a problem, letting scripture explain itself. Or, it could be a more in-depth book, pulling in different scripture references and using stories to illustrate points.


Project #3

Family Issues and Child Raising 

We have distribution with family oriented booksellers, and this opportunity has to do with providing in-depth biblical solutions to family and child raising issues. The books may include real-life examples, and should incorporate biblical solutions.