Destination Joy

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Are you living a listless Christian life, joyless and unfulfilling? Friend, God has more for you! Don’t settle for less!

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We were expecting joy, peace, and fulfillment. So, what’s gone wrong? We’ve attended all the retreats and exerted every effort, yet we are living a bland, colorless spiritual life.

Beloved, this is not God’s plan for you and me. If you’ve been gloriously saved and forgiven from a lifetime of sin, that’s a wonderful beginning. However, trying hard in the flesh to live the abundant life is an impossible feat. So, how do you find the answers to your “so now what” questions?

Destination Joy will guide you to discover what each of us truly longs for. God has promised us that if we seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him. Are you ready? Take this book, perhaps invite a friend, sit down, and learn just how much more God has in store for you.


About the Author

Peggy Nicholson is a wife and mother of two and currently a grandmother to six grandchildren. She is married to Art Nicholson, a native Houstonian and a member of Houston’s First Baptist Church since 1979. She is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and has resided in Houston, Texas, for the last 42 years. Peggy has led a marriage class at Houston’s First Baptist Church for the past nine years. She loves discipling women of all ages and is passionate about teaching them the life-transforming principles found in this book.



In Destination Joy, Peggy Nicholson reveals the sometimes-hidden secret to a life of constant joy and peace. Beginning with her conversion experience with Christ, she traces her personal discovery of the eternal principles that fill our lives with abundance. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus.
Dr. Russ Barksdale

The tools and resources of God are actual. They are real. His Word, prayer, worship, fellowship, and witness all play a vital role in our abiding in Him. And when we do, we experience peace and joy like never before. How sad that so many Christians never discover this wonderful truth!

Peggy Nicholson, in “Destination Joy,” does such a winsome job of leading us to experience the rich fullness of God in our lives on a daily basis. My prayer is that you will step out in faith and begin to practice these helpful reminders from God’s Word. When you do, you’ll start on the greatest adventure we can have this side of Heaven!
Dr. John B. Sorensen
President/CEO, Evangelism Explosion International

My wife and I have known Peggy and Art for almost thirty years. She is a practitioner of what she teaches. When I introduced Evangelism Explosion to our church, Peggy was my first trainee. When our church launched initiatives to serve the poorer areas of our city with the highest crime rates, Peggy volunteered to mentor young women. She is a teacher, mentor, evangelist, and servant. I highly recommend this book!
Dr. David Self
Board Chair, Evangelism Explosion International


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