Showing 1–12 of 46 results
The Overcoming Life
Get ready to embrace genuine victory for today, and joy for eternity.
How to Pray
May God use this book to inspire many who are currently prayerless, or nearly so, to pray earnestly.
The Soul Winner
Updated, modern English
Overcome yourself and learn to make a difference in your church and the world around you. It’s time to become an effective soul winner for Christ. -
How to Study the Bible
This classic book by Dwight L. Moody brings to light the necessity of studying the Scriptures, presents methods which help stimulate excitement for the Scriptures, and offers tools to help you comprehend the difficult passages in the Scriptures.
With Christ in the School of Prayer
When we learn to regard prayer as the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work, we shall see that we need nothing more than to study and practice the art of praying.
Surprised by Faith
This book confronts false stereotypes and examines the astonishing body of scientific and historical evidence supporting the truth that God exists and cares about people’s future.
A Word to Fellow Pastors and Other Christian Leaders
The objective of the Christian ministry is to convert sinners and to edify the body of Christ. No faithful minister can possibly rest short of this. Applause, fame, popularity, honor, and wealth – all these are vain. If souls are not won, and if saints are not matured, our ministry itself is futile.
First Words to New Christians
This helpful book provides practical, biblical guidance and encouragement for new Christians.
Words of Warning
Not one thing we can do during our seventy or eighty years on earth amounts to anything if we are not in Christ. What we do for Christ is everlasting, and by claiming our salvation in Him, we have an exceedingly bright future.
Holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). It is imperative that Christians are biblically and truly holy.
Overcoming Addiction
The biblical path towards freedom leaves addiction in the past as your future unfolds in wonder and in joy. When you put this book down, you will know, “With the Lord’s help, I can do this.”
Addicts at the Cross
Addicts at the Cross takes a bold, unabashed stance in believing that what the Bible says is true. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.