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    The Way of Life (eBook)

    A refreshing and convicting presentation of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

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  • The Lost Crown

    The Lost Crown (eBook)

    The purpose of this book is to convince us to lay hold of the promises of God so that our lives may be so shaped according to His will that, when that day comes, we will stand before Him with rejoicing, not sorrow.

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  • The Second Coming of Christ

    The Second Coming of Christ (eBook)

    The moment a man realizes that Jesus Christ is coming back again to receive His followers to Himself, this world loses its hold upon that man.

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  • Living or Dead?

    Living or Dead? (eBook)

    If you are alive spiritually, let your Christianity be so unmistakable, your eye so clear, your heart so whole, and your walk so straightforward that all who see you may have no doubt about whose you are and whom you serve.

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  • A Good Start

    A Good Start (eBook)

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  • Moody's Latest Sermons

    Moody’s Latest Sermons (eBook)

    The time has come when a line should be drawn between the church and the world, and every Christian should give his heart and life completely to Christ.

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    The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment (eBook)

    Although this is a small book, yet it presents you with matters of the greatest and most weighty concern, even with a discourse of life and death to eternity.

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  • A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live

    A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live (eBook)

    If you will turn and live, do it determinedly, and do not stand still and deliberate as if it were a doubtful case. Do not stand around wavering as if you were uncertain whether God or the flesh is the better mas­ter, whether sin or holiness is the better way, or whether heaven or hell is the better result.

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  • The Dearth of Conversions

    The Dearth of Conversions (eBook)

    If the church is to fully realize what is wrong with her condition, then believers and ministers must be brought low before the Lord and seek Him, to reveal and remove the sin and restore that conversion power that comes from Him alone.

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    Temptation (eBook)

    Every person’s success or sorrow de­pends on his attitude towards temptation.

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    Lovers Always (eBook)

    From the time of man’s innocence in Eden, marriage has had the divine blessing. This book is written to help couples live out the best of blessings that the Lord intended in sacred union between husband and wife.

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  • Simplicity-in-Preaching

    Simplicity in Preaching (eBook)

    To attain simplicity in preaching is of the utmost importance to every minister who wishes to be useful to souls.

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