Evangelism Resources – Intended to be given away for evangelism and discipleship. No quantity limit.
Showing 1–12 of 28 resultsSorted by popularity
Jesus Came to Save Sinners
Evangelism Resource
A thorough message of salvation by faith in Christ, by the “prince of preachers,” Charles H. Spurgeon. -
Evangelism Resource
The words Except you repent, you will all likewise perish might at first seem stern and severe, but they are words of love, and they could be the means of delivering precious souls from hell. -
The Pursuit of God
Evangelism Resource
Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. Let A. W. Tozer’s pursuit of God spur you also into a genuine hunger and thirst to truly know God. -
The Way to God
Evangelism Resource
The Way to God takes an honest look at our need to repent and follow Jesus, and gives hope for unending, joyous eternity in heaven. -
How to Study the Bible
Evangelism Resource
This classic book by Dwight L. Moody brings to light the necessity of studying the Scriptures, presents methods which help stimulate excitement for the Scriptures, and offers tools to help you comprehend the difficult passages in the Scriptures. -
The Overcoming Life
Evangelism Resource
Get ready to embrace genuine victory for today, and joy for eternity. -
How to Pray
Evangelism Resource
May God use this book to inspire many who are currently prayerless, or nearly so, to pray earnestly. -
Total Commitment to Christ
Evangelism Resource
A short but inspiring booklet on how to follow Christ with your whole heart. -
How to Be Saved and How to Be Lost
Evangelism Resource
The purpose of this book is to make the way of salvation as plain as day to men, women, and children, with the expectation that many of those who read the book will see the way, will take it, will be saved at once, and will obtain eternal life. -
Words of Warning
Evangelism Resource
Not one thing we can do during our seventy or eighty years on earth amounts to anything if we are not in Christ. What we do for Christ is everlasting, and by claiming our salvation in Him, we have an exceedingly bright future. -
Sowing and Reaping
Evangelism Resource
This is the bright truth held before us in this little book – if we sow good seed, we will reap a great harvest. While sowing and caring for the seed sown isn’t without work, the promise of a great harvest is what keeps us going and what brings joy to our labors. -
The Ten Commandments
Evangelism Resource
This book will challenge you to examine God’s rules for life, the ten commandments. This book is a challenging yet refreshing look at some of the oldest, most well-known words of God.