Showing 37–48 of 51 resultsSorted by popularity
Believe and Be Saved
He who does not take the step of faith and enter upon the road to heaven will perish. It will be an awful thing to die close to, but yet outside the gate of life. Almost saved, but altogether lost!
Because God . . . I Can
The twelve monthly themes in this yearlong devotional are Because God . . . I Can Believe, Trust, Receive, Pray, Praise, Love, Listen, Rest, Testify, Serve, Give, and Hope.
Walking with God through Deep Valleys
If we keep our eyes on Him, our deepest valleys will strengthen and enrich our walk with God.
The Spirit-Filled Life
“I wish to urge all Christians, especially ministers of the gospel, to give The Spirit-Filled Life a prayerful reading.” – Andrew Murray
Light on Life’s Duties
The Lord must have the key of every closet, of every cupboard, and of every room of your life. Simply give Him the key. He will cleanse and renovate and make beautiful.
The Necessity of Prayer
Prayer is not an incident or a performance but a passion of soul. It is not a want or half-needed desire but a sheer necessity.
Deliverance from the Power and Penalty of Sin
Awake! Awake! slumbering church, and clothe yourself with the garments of your Lord’s salvation and righteousness. He waits to be gracious to you.
Out of the Dust
Despite a background of childhood abuse, dyslexia, and marital infidelity, Avis took her first international mission trip at age fifty. The church, school, and orphanage she later founded in northern Peru, all products of both her pain and her radical obedience to the Lord, have brought thousands of others out of the dust.
A Call to the Unconverted to Turn and Live
If you will turn and live, do it determinedly, and do not stand still and deliberate as if it were a doubtful case. Do not stand around wavering as if you were uncertain whether God or the flesh is the better master, whether sin or holiness is the better way, or whether heaven or hell is the better result.
They Call Me Momma Katherine
In the midst of sickness and poverty, she loved and cared for the orphans of the war-torn country, as she faced witch doctors and Muslim agitators. Katherine shares her life story to help us know that we can all make a difference – if only we let God . . .
Rowland Hill
Rowland Hill was humorous, but he was a great deal more, and those who know his lifework will not remember him as exemplifying one single quality, but as a good, childlike man in whom nothing for Christ was restrained.
Glad Tidings
True faith takes God at his word. It remembers that the Father is well pleased with the Son and his work, and through his finished work, he can be just and the justifier of the ungodly.