Showing 13–23 of 23 results
Waiting on God
We must give the Lord time and place to show us what He could do and what He will do. The Lord has new developments and new resources. He can do new things, unheard-of things, and hidden things.
Keeping the Heart
The heart of man is his worst part before it is regenerated, and the best part afterward. It is the seat of principles, and the fountain of actions.
The Life of Jesus Christ
If anyone deserves to have our attention and our interest, that person is Jesus. He is more than a hero. If we are to take up our cross and follow Him, we must understand what that means and must see what that looks like.
How to Be Saved and How to Be Lost
The purpose of this book is to make the way of salvation as plain as day to men, women, and children, with the expectation that many of those who read the book will see the way, will take it, will be saved at once, and will obtain eternal life.
Men of the Bible
When you wish to know something about godly living, where do you look? Is there a better place to look than to the men of the Bible? The Lord, in all His wisdom, left us with a wonderful textbook – the Holy Scriptures.
The Real Christ
The Christ many talk about today is a pure figment of their own imagination which they have substituted for the actual Christ of history, the Christ who once lived here on earth and who now lives in glory.
La Vida Vencedora
¿Eres de los que vencen? ¿O hay pequeños pecados que te acosan y te derrotan?
The Secret of a Happy Day
In The Secret of a Happy Day, J. Wilbur Chapman offers a heartfelt exploration of the timeless comfort found in Psalm 23.
Jesús Vino Para Salvar a los Pecadores
Jesús Vino Para Salvar a los Pecadores es una conversación de corazón a corazón con el lector.
Los Diez Mandamientos
Dios no nos pide nada que sea difícil o ilógico, y por cierto con Jesucristo como fuerza nuestra y con el Espíritu Santo como guía es así.
El evangelio de hoy
¿Qué elegirán hoy: vida o muerte? La gente decide esa cuestión en unos minutos; una decisión para toda la eternidad. Dios les ayude a decidir bien.